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DENKARD, Acts of Religion

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Denkard, edited by Peshotun Dastoor Behramjee Sanjana, 1876
English translation of volumes 2-4 by Ratanshah E. Kohiyar

The DENKARD is a ninth century encyclopedia of Zoroastrianism, but with extensive quotes from materials thousands of years older, including (otherwise) lost Avestan texts. It is the single most valuable source of information on this religion aside from the Avesta.

NOTE: Books 1 and 2, and the beginning of Book 3 is lost.

BOOK 3 (Sanjana, vol. 1)

Chapter 25. Twelve questions asked by an Ashmogh (apostate)
Chapter 26. Sixteen questions asked by a student
Chapter 27. To whom does strength accrue by men's attaining to greatness through good or evil deeds done in time?
Chapter 28. The relations, dispositions, and strength of the followers of the Mazdayasnian religion and of other religions
Chapter 29. The origin of the people living on the borders of Iran; Jews, Christians, and Manichaeans
Chapter 30. The rank and privileges of learned men and men versed in the arts
Chapter 31. The advantages or disadvantages to those who carry on their business honestly or dishonestly
Chapter 32. Who are protected from evil by the yazads and who are not
Chapter 33. Those who abstain from sin and advance in righteousness and those who abstain from righteousness and advance in sin
Chapter 34. The ways of the good religion have reference to the wishes of the yazads and the ways of the bad religion have reference to the wishes of the daevas
Chapter 35. The first bearer of the good religion
Chapter 36. Mazdayasnians should remain aloof from worshippers of the daevas and from Asmoghs
Chapter 37. Those among God's servants who hold the superior, the middle, and the inferior rank
Chapter 38. Of happiness in this perishable world
Chapter 39. How to obtain deliverance from hell and what things should not be approved of
Chapter 40. God is the Creator and the fashioner of the world
Chapter 41. That God will keep the grateful part of his creation free from dread
Chapter 42. Regarding the superiority of priests over warriors and husbandmen
Chapter 43. Regarding man's attaining all the virtues by observing the commands of religion
Chapter 44. Of the warring of the yazads to smite the Opposer and to suppress the invisible danger arising from him, in order that people may live as good creation
Chapter 45. Regarding the ultimate misery of man from ambition and from disregard of the commands of religion regarding the soul
Chapter 46. Regarding the duty of Rulers to remove misery, want, hardship, filth, and pestilence from the world
Chapter 47. Regarding the duty of bearing enmity to Ahriman and to other evil powers
Chapter 48. Regarding the means of destroying those who oppose the creation of Ohrmazd
Chapter 49. That men become fitted for the happiness of paradise by directing their attention to the invisible yazads and by keeping themselves from admixture with the daevas
Chapter 50. Regarding men's becoming good through good powers and bad through bad powers
Chapter 51. Regarding the different kinds of men
Chapter 52. Regarding the duty of man to conduct himself in this world in accordance with the precepts of religion
Chapter 53. Regarding the duty of man to behave properly and without deceit towards his Creator
Chapter 54. Regarding the manner in which men may obtain deliverance from hell for their souls
Chapter 55. Seven explanations sought by a scholar of (his) teacher regarding who are truly wealthy, happy as regards the soul, free from sin, of superior understanding, of increasing honor, friends with men, healthy, and delivered from hell
Chapter 56. Replies given by the teacher from a knowledge of the good religion
Chapter 57. Regarding the wisdom of the Mazdayasnian religion being for the professors of that religion
Chapter 58. Regarding the relation of state to religion
Chapter 59. Regarding the causes of men's becoming good or bad
Chapter 60. Regarding the government and the governors of men
Chapter 61. Regarding the admixture of the nature of the Ganamino in man's nature
Chapter 62. How men obtain wisdom and happiness
Chapter 63. Regarding the power of man to choose happiness in this world
Chapter 64. Regarding the wisdom and the happiness of a Farehbut and an Aibibut
Chapter 65. Regarding men whose ways are those of the good religion

BOOK 3 (Sanjana, vol. 2)

Chapter 66. What procures or does not procure for the people of the world the assistance of the Yazads in removing hardships
Chapter 67. Holy thoughts are the source of high thoughts, words and deeds
Chapter 68. Regarding the different modes of passing one's life according as he is in a superior or inferior station
Chapter 69. The superior, middling and inferior deeds pertaining to the good religion
Chapter 70. Regarding the duty of reciting the Gathas and doing other righteous acts at the request and for the benefit of a believer in an evil religion who should put faith in the good religion
Chapter 71. Regarding the gradations among good and bad men
Chapter 72. What women are fit to be approved or disapproved of in accordance with the religion
Chapter 73. How men should behave in obedience to their Creator
Chapter 74. Regarding the creation within the bounds of the heavens, its behaviour and attributes
Chapter 75. How does man acquire superior or inferior strength? and how does he become improved or separated from his Creator
Chapter 76. Regarding natural Wisdom and the evil passions
Chapter 77. How and from whom is the power of knowing God obtained
Chapter 78. The Mazdayasnian religion is the law of God
Chapter 79. Righteousness and sin are judged in the coming world with reference to the mental capacity of the person adjudged
Chapter 80. Regarding the prohibition of marriage between a believer in the Mazdyasnian religion and a disbeliever; and the disadvantages resulting from such marriages
Chapter 81. The Pahlavi Nam Setayeshne or prayer to God
Chapter 82. The causes of happiness and misery in this and the next world
Chapter 83. It is through religious admonitions that man guides himself in this world through hopes of heaven and fear of hell
Chapter 84. The reasons for making the Spenamino prevail over the Ghanamino
Chapter 85. Regarding the benefits resulting from connection with the Mazdayasnian religion and the injuries caused by a want of such connection
Chapter 86. He who does deeds of righteousness and remains aloof from sin is a far-sighted man
Chapter 87. Regarding the lowest, the middling, and the highest relations with the Mazdyasnian religion and the advantages resulting therefrom
Chapter 88. Regarding those who increase or diminish the fame of the Mazdayasnian religion
Chapter 89. Regarding industry and contentment in this world with an eye to the happiness of the soul in the next
Chapter 90. The reason why God rewards righteousness and punishes sin in man
Chapter 91. Regarding the duty of praising and thanking Him for his gifts
Chapter 92. Regarding the duty of kings to remove hardship and harm from the world
Chapter 93. The causes of earthquakes and the rending of the earth
Chapter 94. Regarding remaining aloof from certain things in accordance with the precepts of the Poryotkesh
Chapter 95. Who among the living creation in the visible and the invisible world bear the mark of being the creatures of Ohrmazd
Chapter 96. Regarding the hopes of good or bad times for the good religion derived from good or bad government, and the good or bad Beginning and the End
Chapter 97. The best and the worst among four classes of mankind
Chapter 98. The benefits derived by a ruler from a civilised people and educated officials, and the consequent increase in the glory of the kingdom
Chapter 99. Who may be called a wise man?
Chapter 100. Who may be called a strong man and who a weak man?
Chapter 101. The attributes of Zartosht Spitaman which led to his being selected as a prophet by God
Chapter 102. Regarding the benefits caused and to be caused to the present and future generations of mankind by the Mazdayasnian religion

BOOK 3 (Sanjana, vol. 3)

Chapter 103. What men are of the best and the worst desires
Chapter 104. Regarding the remedies for the illness of the soul arising from want of knowledge and judgment
Chapter 105. Of the shining and dark invisible powers, which ought to be approved and which disapproved by man
Chapter 106. Regarding the means of good and bad behavior in this world.
Chapter 107. Regarding communion with the holy Self-existent
Chapter 108. Exposition regarding the habitation in man of Yazads and Devs
Chapter 109. Regarding that which benefits man in both worlds, saves him from harm, redeems him from sin, raises him to higher rank through righteousness, and turns him in the end towards the holy Ohrmazd
Chapter 110. Regarding righteous and sinful men, and the different commandments about them
Chapter 111. Regarding the four divisions of men
Chapter 112. Regarding rain and the work it performs, and the doers of that work
Chapter 113. The reasons why students of the good religion acquire or fail to acquire its wisdom
Chapter 114. Regarding the redemption of man from evil at the time of the final improvement, and the end of Ahriman
Chapter 115. The attainment of a better life in the next world through good deeds
Chapter 116. There is in man a good-minded power that protects his sense and intelligence
Chapter 117. Regarding the habitation in man of the understanding-power that keeps sinless
Chapter 118. Regarding the chance of obtaining power by those fond of it
Chapter 119. Regarding the irregularity of the elements that constitute earthly things
Chapter 120. The greatness of Dadar Ohrmazd depends upon life of all kinds
Chapter 121. The desires of Ohrmazd are founded in reason
Chapter 122. Regarding the good religion and its benefits and the evil religion and its evil consequences
Chapter 123. Exposition regarding the things of this world, their creation and the work relating to them
Chapter 124. Regarding the struggle in this world, the place of the parties to end the lord of the struggle; the persons who struggle, the suppresser of the struggle, the liberator from the struggle, the person injured in the struggle, the continuer of the struggle and the end of the struggle
Chapter 125. Regarding the improvement of this world by means of the ascendancy of the good religion and the suppression of the evil religion and the danger arising from it
Chapter 126. The manifestation of evil and of the religion of the Devs is owning to the Perverted Source
Chapter 127. Everything in this world is dependent upon the Lord: He is in every thing and guides every thing: He depends upon no one and is not to be guided by any one
Chapter 128. Regarding the improvement of man's life
Chapter 129. Regarding the kind of government which embarrasses Ahriman
Chapter 130. God is supreme over everything
Chapter 131. Regarding things fitted to impart perfect knowledge
Chapter 132. Regarding the origin of life and the changes in it
Chapter 133. Regarding the benefits arising from good rulers
Chapter 134. It is because of their possessing the attributes of Shahrewar Amahraspand that good kings have the power of improving their kingdom and the knowledge for improving their subjects
Chapter 135. Regarding those among the approvers of Khoreh whose ways are the best and the worst, and regarding their conduct

Book 3 (Sanjana, vol. 4)

Chapter 136. Of men who are strong or weak in doing deeds of righteousness or sin
Chapter 137. Men become better (righteous) when their doings in this world are in conformity with (their) faith regarding the coming world; and they receive harm from holding relations with the destructive power of Ahriman
Chapter 138. From the beginning of the world the righteous and the sinners have respectively been of the side of the Good and the Evil Source
Chapter 139. Regarding the power of religion over the children of men
Chapter 140. Regarding men who belong to and men who do not belong to the religion
Chapter 141. Regarding two excellent qualities connected with superior intelligence possessed by man, and two wicked qualities connected with perverse inferior intelligence possessed by him
Chapter 142. Exposition regarding light and darkness
Chapter 143. How it is that men of this world have thought of doing the work of Ahriman
Chapter 144. Exposition in the good religion regarding good and evil intelligence
Chapter 145. It depends upon kings whether the world walks in the good path or not
Chapter 146. Regarding foresight, superior rank, discrimination, wisdom, faith, belief, inference, sense, understanding, thought, speech, and deed
Chapter 147. Regarding the mutual connection of wisdom, desire, and speech
Chapter 148. Who in this world causes harm to Ahriman? Who is harmed by injuring man?
Chapter 149. Regarding men of the religion who hold relations with good and with evil; how they are to be judged; and how their goodness or wickedness is to be distinguished
Chapter 150. No other religion save the Mazdayasnian religion severs Anghra Mainyu from man
Chapter 151. Men prevail over one another in the world through good and evil deeds
Chapter 152. Regarding men who exist for their good and men who do not exist for their good
Chapter 153. How does a man acquire complete knowledge of his calling?
Chapter 154. The king who brings men into the Mazdayasnian religion augments virtue and diminishes vice
Chapter 155. Superior strength confers upon men rank and lustre: inferior strength brings them into a low and degenerate condition
Chapter 156. Of the thoughts that impart increased lustre and increased darkness to the Mazdayasnian religion
Chapter 157. Exposition regarding physical and spiritual medicine
Chapter 158. Regarding the duty of man to do the work relating to the next world and to remain aloof from doing what ought not to be done
Chapter 159. Regarding the men who in this world make themselves walk in the ways of immortality and remain on the side of Spenta Mainyu and Anghra Mainyu
Chapter 160. Regarding the number of times the sun will shine upon this world from its original place
Chapter 161. Of the exposition of the Mazdayasnian religion in the three parts of the Avesta
Chapter 162. God will always keep up his creation in this world notwithstanding the harm-causing power of Anghra Mainyu
Chapter 163. Regarding the duty of men to respect and to obey the High Pontiff
Chapter 164. Regarding the duty of men to obey a just king
Chapter 165. The three parts of the Avesta (Hadha Mathra, Dat, and Gatha) make known co-related matters
Chapter 166. Regarding the signs of the best and worst times of the world and the four outcomes of each
Chapter 167. Regarding the commandment of the religion to diminish wickedness wherever it may be most prevalent
Chapter 168. Regarding the disappearance in man of the disposition to make good invocations owing to the cessation in him of the faculty on which the practise of invoking God depends
Chapter 169. Religious works of good ceremonial are fit to be approved: opposed to them are works of wickedness and sorcery and evil ceremonial: the means of averting the latter
Chapter 170. Regarding the duty of a father to love his children from infancy to adolescence
Chapter 171. Regarding the rewards of the pious and their punishment for sin, and the punishment of the wicked and their rewards
Chapter 172. Whether harm will reach the Dadar [Creator] from any quarter or from anything?
Chapter 173. Roots spring from fruits and fruits spring from roots
Chapter 174. As to who is possessed of the desire to obtain liberation; his name as given in the Avesta; who it is who gives the desire for liberation; why it is that a desire for liberation is given; and why it is that one possessed of the desire for liberation does not like the ways of his enemy, and from whom and why does he derive benefit or harm

Book 3 (Sanjana, vol. 5)

Chapter 175. The six ways of expiating the punishment for the margarjan sin
Chapter 176. The good qualities of Hozvaban Tehmasp, his miraculous spiritual power
Chapter 177. The keeping of oneself and of one's fellowmen from all injurious propensities of man's nature, and the doing of good by oneself to others
Chapter 178. The hope man has from this life after the soul has departed from the body
Chapter 179. Exposition regarding the best kings
Chapter 180. The manner in which man ought to improve hinself, and save his soul from hell
Chapter 181. The injustice done to a deserving person by a gift being given to the undeserving one
Chapter 182. What things are the most beneficial to men in this world
Chapter 183. Men ought to banish pollution from this world
Chapter 184. The origin, the end, the exposition, and the power of moderate and immoderate thinking, the thoughts suggested from them, and the advantages of the former, and the injury from the latter
Chapter 185. The unfitness of Ahriman to rule over the race of good creatures. The powerful sway of Ohrmazd over the finite and the infinite.
Chapter 186. The actions acceptable to man, and to the Creator Ohrmazd
Chapter 187. The careful keeping of the fire and water in one's own possession
Chapter 188. The ways by which a Zoroastrian ought to regulate his conduct in good and evil times
Chapter 189. Steadfastness in the religion, and the thought of detraction from it
Chapter 190. The respective appellations of the good and bad religions, and the conditions of their followers
Chapter 191. Ohrmazd is the Creator of the good creations
Chapter 192. The counterbalancing, in finite time, of two kinds of evil-doers by two kinds of powerful men designed by Ohrmazd
Chapter 193. The duration of the soul is infinite as well as finite
Chapter 194. The movement of the animate body is due to its vital power
Chapter 195. The ten excellent monitions of the Holy Zartosht
Chapter 196. The ten contradictory sayings of Akht Jadu
Chapter 197. The ten monitions of the Holy Dayun regarding the laws of the Mazdayasnian religion
Chapter 198. The ten contradictory sayings of Rashne-Rish
Chapter 199. The ten monitions of Adarbad Mahraspandan
Chapter 200. The ten contradictory sayings of Mani
Chapter 201. The ten monitions of Khusro, the son of Kobad
Chapter 202. The ten contradictory saying. of Gurgi
Chapter 203. On the origin, course, medium, and the cause of goodness and evil, the impression produced by meditations upon them, and the upholders of goodness and of evil at the beginning, the middle, and the end of the world
Chapter 204. The devoted students of the Avesta and the Commentary upon it [Zand]
Chapter 205. The recognition of the extent of relationship or non-relationship to the Mazdayasnian religion among men
Chapter 206. Ohrmazd is the Self-existent One; from Him are manifested the spiritual and material creations; and the other one (Ahriman) is different from Him
Chapter 207. It is inappropriate to blend together whatever is worthy with the perverse object
Chapter 208. The wisdom, will, work and period of Ohrmazd
Chapter 209. Man is the sharer of the nature of his original ancestor
Chapter 210. On the attainment of foresight by man
Chapter 211. Regarding the idea that good success is attainable by man by means of the seven grades leading to the most exalted rank pertaining to mankind
Chapter 212. The origin of good or evil power in man; the cause of his exaltation or deterioration
Chapter 213. The cause of the self-deterioration of a person from the condition of being exalted
Chapter 214. The extensive propagation of the good religion, its power and its achievements
Chapter 215. Regarding man being acceptable for the purpose of communion with God, or for righteous actions, by means of his connection with the good creatures, and his forbearance from the avaricious creatures
Chapter 216. The source of unrighteousness; the path of rectitude, and the means of restoring the unrighteous one
Chapter 217. Regarding that which is good for the world, for the body and the soul, good among mankind, good among mankind, good for action and decision

Book 3 (Sanjana, vol. 6)

Chapter 218. The spiritual powers in man, and their functions
Chapter 219. The relation of man with the creator by means of the Stud-yasht
Chapter 220. The beneficial gifts in man, his injurious habits, their beneficial or injurious guidance
Chapter 221. The religious and the evil time
Chapter 222. The nature of man, the cause and the object of his existence, his future life and attainment
Chapter 223. Definition of a worthy leader and his various qualifications
Chapter 224. The thanksgivings to God for the reward of ment The punishment of man for sin in this world
Chapter 225. The nature and habits of a true Mazdayasnian, the evil habits of an apostate, and the happy condition of a Mazdayasnian by means of the sacred girdle of that religion
Chapter 226. The influence exercised upon man by a moral and an immoral being
Chapter 227. The Source (viz. Ohrmazd) that casts glorious lustre upon the good religion, and that (viz. Ahriman) which casts evil lustre upon the evil religion. Illustrations with reference to Jamshid and Zohak
Chapter 228. Men who work for the prosperity or misery of this world
Chapter 229. Regarding the fact that it is needful that the skilled examiner shall test whatever is fit to be tested, and that it is needless to retest whatever is already proved
Chapter 230. The upholder of the good religion is, by virtue of the religion, called by the name of the religion
Chapter 231. The blessedness of the soul by doing acts of merit, and its punishment in hell by reason of its perverseness
Chapter 232. Men of superior or inferior habits
Chapter 233. The reasonable acceptance and non-acceptance respectively of the sayings of religious pioneers and of the mysterious knowledge the cause whereof is not manifest by means of reason
Chapter 234. Regarding what ought to be done and what ought not to be done
Chapter 235. The intellectual part (baodha) of the spirit takes care of the body internally as well as externally
Chapter 236. The virtuous excellence or depravity of kings
Chapter 237. The reward due to man from the Almighty for his deliverance from sin
Chapter 238. The principles of the good religion and of the evil religion respectively. -- The inferior, the mediocre and the superior adherent of the good religion, and the weight of each of them.
Chapter 239. The aspirations of the soul to an immortal existence on behalf of the Deity; the beings that are opposed to the existence of creations and the enemy that was before the world
Chapter 240. How to weigh the merits or otherwise of a man in this world?
Chapter 241. How to adore the Deity?
Chapter 242. The prudent, the more prudent, and the most prudent among men
Chapter 243. People who are manifest in this world as men, as demons, and as demon-men
Chapter 244. The cure of this world of its moral illness
Chapter 245. Regarding the good and the mischievous in this world
Chapter 246. Man is not fitted by the Creator Ohrmazd to be the cause of sin and damage in this world
Chapter 247. The means of knowing the Deity depends upon the existence of certain faculties in man
Chapter 248. The prosperous or unprosperous state of man in regard to virtue
Chapter 249. The characteristics of true knowledge and of evil cognizance
Chapter 250. Light and darkness, and the several descriptions thereof
Chapter 251. The exalted position that is acquired by man at the future renovation
Chapter 252. The perception of the highest medium for attaining to Paradise which is without affliction
Chapter 253. Regarding the learned, the Zoroastrian religious philosophy and those that are versed in that philosophy
Chapter 254. The triumph of learning and the success of the learned
Chapter 255. The good intention and the evil intention, their causes and efficacy, and the improvement of both by the existence of wisdom
Chapter 256. The greatness and power originating in man
Chapter 257. The duty of man to be grateful in his thought, word, and deed
Chapter 258. The power possessed by every man of this material world for the salvation of his soul from sin
Chapter 259. Regarding the pentomadal divisions of the month
Chapter 260. Men of angelic nature and demoniac beings in human frame
Chapter 261. Who is deserving to be the lord of all?
Chapter 262. The selected means of improvement in a city and among mankind
Chapter 263. The material substance of this world, its different ingredients and its essential elements-the origin and nature of that which adorns the spirit and renders it useful, the origin and nature of that which destroys or injures it, the causes of its adornment, benefit, decay and injury
Chapter 264. Regarding the being who preconceives the means of counteracting evil, and the being who is the lord of such means, as they are described by Ohrmazd in the revelation that improves the creatures of Spenamino
Chapter 265. The religious benefit to the world from one that is faithful to the revelation, and the injury to it from one who is in the greatest danger of infernal punishment
Chapter 266. The power of perception in man which improves and dignifies, or degrades and debases him, as well as the description of men affected thereby respectively
Chapter 267. Regarding that which by means of revolution returns to its original source, and that which by a divine rule, is connected from the beginning to the end
Chapter 268. Regarding men who abide in this world with their minds devoted to the good religion and are equipped with sacred weapons for warring against evil, as well as the advantages resulting therefrom
Chapter 269. How man should conduct himself for acquiring happines in this and the next world?
Chapter 270. The best equipment necessary for the dignified and poor people
Chapter 271. Goodness and evil their strength and prevalence in this material world
Chapter 272. The causes of transgression and consequent sinfulness of the soul possessing a 'bright vision.'
Chapter 273. The merits of a worthy sovereign
Chapter 274. Regarding righteous actions, honest comfort, an honest exaltation of self in righteous acts, honest comfort accruing from righteous nature and the equipment pertaining to acts conducive to felicity

Book 3 (Sanjana, vol. 7)

Chapter 275. The wisdom of the Mazdayasnian faith is for the knowledge of men
Chapter 276. God gives mortal strength to the soul according to its origin
Chapter 277. About those that are connected with God before and after creation
Chapter 278. About the man who does heavenly and about him who does hellish things
Chapter 279. About the families that are to attain royal power and those that are to lose it
Chapter 280. The soul of man recognizes the value of prayer to God
Chapter 281. The distinguishing signs of a pious and a sinful man
Chapter 282. What families of kings are the reformers of men and the whole world
Chapter 283. The kings that rule very well and those that rule very badly
Chapter 284. How does man become powerful and how he becomes mortal during finite and infinite time
Chapter 285. What man does not obtain the reward of a virtuous act?
Chapter 286. The Devs are injured by men owing to the spread of the knowledge of the faith brought by king Jamshed
Chapter 287. The ten good commandments of king Jamshed
Chapter 288. The ten evil commandments of Zohak against those of king Jamshed
Chapter 289. The kind rulers of people
Chapter 290. About giving judgment after due consideration
Chapter 291. God keeps injurious things away from his Creation
Chapter 292. About immorality which is of evil origin
Chapter 293. Vice is not known where people are virtuous
Chapter 294. The desire of God that men should know Him and the desire of men to know Him
Chapter 295. Men should save themselves from the five vices of Ahriman which destroy virtue
Chapter 296. The supremacy over men
Chapter 297. The object of the work of good religion
Chapter 298. The same wisdom which frees men from sin, obtains for them the experience of age
Chapter 299. A man is safe by his faith in the writings of good religion
Chapter 300. About the sinful men who have the wisdom of the immoral Druj
Chapter 301. About the man who inspires zeal for religion
Chapter 302. The ideas of the justice of the judge of this world and of that of the next
Chapter 303. The precepts which concern the safety of life
Chapter 304. The regular virtue
Chapter 305. About the safe life
Chapter 306. The protection and salvation of men
Chapter 307. About the best and worst among men
Chapter 308. About remembering the spiritual Yazads for obtaining spiritual assistance
Chapter 309. The great power of Zohak who injures men's souls
Chapter 310. The Mazdayasnian faith produces virtuous qualities in men, and the Jewish religion produces wicked qualities
Chapter 311. About the king who reformes his subjects for happiness in this life and the next, and about him who injures them
Chapter 312. The friendship of Ohrmazd with the first man and about the Yazads who are his messengers to men
Chapter 313. Man is related to the Mazdayasnian faith by obtaining the strength of divine wisdom
Chapter 314. About good and bad origin-man becomes virtuous through righteous zeal and vicious through wicked zeal
Chapter 315. A foresighted man leads men beneficially by his words
Chapter 316. The soul is kept fresh by food and the body is thereby preserved
Chapter 317. About the mortality and immortality of man's life
Chapter 318. The injurious strength connected with death and sin
Chapter 319. The final victory of Spenamino over Ahriman is owing to his superior strength
Chapter 320. Good men should be preserved from the attacks of evil men and kept in joy
Chapter 321. About the efficacy of blessings and curses
Chapter 322. The prince born in wedlock of royal origin is worthy to fill the throne
Chapter 323. The eternal joy and sorrow of mortals (men) and the evanescent joy and borrow of the inanimate creation
Chapter 324. The final end of good and bad rulers
Chapter 325. The evidence for the Mazddayasnian faith being the word of God
Chapter 326. The rulers of this world should reform perverts
Chapter 327. The reasons for man's connection with and estrangement from Yazads and Devs
Chapter 328. The proper joy of rulers
Chapter 329. The strength of the faith always prevails over Ahriman from the beginning to the end
Chapter 330. The existence of light and darkness
Chapter 331. The nature of the priest and the ruler of the faith of Ohrmazd and of those of the faith of Ahriman
Chapter 332. Man becomes just and truthful by adhering to the side of Ohrmazd, and by keeping aloof from that of Ahriman
Chapter 333. The origin of the good and of the bad faith
Chapter 334. The savior and the destroyer of souls
Chapter 335. Three kinds of superior strength in this world
Chapter 336. About superior and inferior leaders
Chapter 337. About the nature-foresight-wisdom-gifts-diligence-work-thought-power-and advantages of the Mazdayasnian faith
Chapter 338. About the chief and leader of the Mazdayasnian and of the demonolatrous faiths
Chapter 339. The priest is the savior of every one from sin and the imparter of virtuous religious knowledge
Chapter 340. The duty of every Zoroastrian to put on clothes and always to have the Sudre and Kusti
Chapter 341. The ordinance of the good faith and of the bad
Chapter 342. What is the proper thing for spreading the knowledge of the faith in the world?
Chapter 343. About very good and very wicked men
Chapter 344. About those who prefer the faith and dissuade people from sin
Chapter 345. About the three rulers and priests of the evil faith that are to come in the millenian period of the prophet Zoroaster, and the injury to come therefrom three times to the Mazdayasnian faith
Chapter 346. About the good religion being connected with divine wisdom
Chapter 347. About good and bad times
Chapter 348. A good man has the fear of sin; a bad man has it not
Chapter 349. A follower of the Mazdayasnian faith strengthens the rule of purity and destroys the faith of the evil religion
Chapter 350. About the abode of mortals
Chapter 351. The connection between the rulers and the ruled is by the grace and power of God
Chapter 352. The most virtuous man obtains spiritual wealth from God through the Yazads; but the wicked men do not obtain it
Chapter 353. The desire of an unconscientious and wicked man
Chapter 354. The advice of the pious king Jamshed to men
Chapter 355. About the things that preserve luster and those that destroy it
Chapter 356. The soul of a man is the lord and director of his life
Chapter 357. The power of rule is beneficial as well as injurious to man
Chapter 358. A man should do good works for the sake of his soul and omit those that injure it
Chapter 359. Man's glory is destroyed by destroying the glory of the glorious Lord
Chapter 360. About preserving and garbing the world
Chapter 361. About the superior and inferior value of men

Book 3 (Sanjana, vol. 8)

Chapter 362. Which thing is endowed with life and has relation with life? Why is He the giver of life and of this relation with life?
Chapter 363. The source creating the soul -- the helper of its good qualities -- things that pave the way for the soul into the seed of this world and nourish and protect its source in the seed of the body -- the protector of the soul -- the distributor of souls among the creation -- the actions whereby the soul is rewarded by Ohrmazd and meets its original source
Chapter 364. Speech benefits the soul and prevents harm from coming to it
Chapter 365. The origin of existence and of this material body
Chapter 366. The life and death of the soul and the indication of its loss of luster
Chapter 367. Light and darkness and the benefit and harm accruing therefrom
Chapter 368. The faithful through the superior strength of Ohrmazd avert the calamities of the times
Chapter 369. The parts of the body and of the soul
Chapter 370. The superiority of divine worship
Chapter 371. The thoughts of the creation regarding the power of God
Chapter 372. The three orders of men among the Mazdayasnians who are deemed perfect and worthy of confidence
Chapter 373. The faith of Ohrmazd and the religion of Ahriman -- their garment and their improvement -- their continuance and the names of their votaries
Chapter 374. The Drujs who inflict the first, second, and third calamity on men at their birth and the means whereby Ohrmazd defeats the Drujs
Chapter 375. The indications of rain and the inferences therefrom
Chapter 376. Smoky and smokeless fires
Chapter 377. The sufferings of Ganamino and the superiority of Spenamino to Ganamino
Chapter 378. The consequences of following Spenamino and the consequences of following Ganamino
Chapter 379. The creation of Spenamino is fully adorned, the creation of Ganamino is full of harm
Chapter 380. The fear of Ganamino-the continuance of the race of men in the midst of his oppressiveness
Chapter 381. Men should regard themselves as servants of God
Chapter 382. Which of God's creatures are the most powerful?
Chapter 383. The source of righteousness and the source of sin
Chapter 384. The abode of the righteous and the abode of the sinful in the next world
Chapter 385. The reasons why man reaps no advantage from undesirable qualities -- the reasons of his success in obtaining various advantages through one single good quality [i.e. the good influence of Zoroaster/Zarathushtra]
Chapter 386. The religious man is not polluted when he observes the laws of virtue but he is polluted when he follows the ways of the demons
Chapter 387. The appointment of men to religious offices after due examination
Chapter 388. The lawful and unlawful killing of men
Chapter 389. The seven excellent gifts bestowed upon king Vishtasp to enable him to spread the good religion everywhere
Chapter 390. Who is it that confers benefits on the world? Who deals harm to it?
Chapter 391. The good and evil qualities of men
Chapter 392. Things the end and purpose of which art, known after creation and things the end and purpose of which are fixed before creation
Chapter 393. The source and consequences of happiness and misery
Chapter 394. Which men have the most exalted, which a middling and which the lowest rank?
Chapter 395. The men who are of great value, and the men who have no value and who destroy prosperity
Chapter 396. Substances liable to change and substances which are not liable to change in this finite time
Chapter 397. The man of understanding who improves himself and the man of evil genius who ruins himself
Chapter 398. The various sorts of kings in this world
Chapter 399. Ohrmazd has created men to enable them to perform deeds for the good of the spiritual world. Ahriman instigates men to evil deeds in both the worlds
Chapter 400. Knowledge concerning wisdom and evil intelligence -- their adornment -- their source -- the gifts bestowed by them -- their improvement and increase -- the dignity of wisdom and the dreariness of the evil intellect
Chapter 401. The man influenced by the Druj conducts himself like the Druj
Chapter 402. The two ways by which the influence and strength of Spenamino are increased
Chapter 403. Light and darkness do not change places with each other, do not mingle with each other nor do they appear at the same time
Chapter 404. The men who are like unto the Yazads and the men who are like unto the demons
Chapter 405. How man obtains superior wisdom and knowledge
Chapter 406. The various sorts of kings in this world
Chapter 407. The final disappearance of Ganamino from the creation of Spenamino
Chapter 408. The creation of man and its nine stages
Chapter 409. How man is made virtuous and full of luster
Chapter 410. The priest of the good religion is the most pious of men and the hypocrite priest of the evil religion the most sinful of men
Chapter 411. The praiseworthy virtue which is not of advantage to the pious and the odious vice which is of advantage to the pious
Chapter 412. The man who loves God and with whom God is pleased enjoys happiness in paradise and the man who hates God and with whom God is displeased suffers misery in hell
Chapter 413. Which wealth is most worthy of attention?

Book 3 (Sanjana, vol. 9)

Chapter 414. Exposition in the good religion regarding the character of the man whose body is the abode of generosity and of the man whose body is the abode of avarice
Chapter 415. Exposition in the good religion regarding the fact that life-endowed human beings are either praiseworthy or blameworthy in their actions and either accept or follow the good that is in them or the evil that is in them
Chapter 416. Exposition in the good religion regarding the revelation (to the prophet) about the creation of the invisible spirit (in the spiritual world) and sending of that spirit from the spiritual world to this world
Chapter 417. Exposition in the good religion about the power of motion
Chapter 418. Exposition in the good religion regarding the indication of the (the presence of) Spenamino and Ganamino in this world
Chapter 419. Exposition in the good religion as to which (of the two years) the solar or the lunar is (connected with) the important ceremonies of the faith
Chapter 420. Exposition in the good religion about the Denkard book, one of the scriptures of the faith

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